Published paper

論文リストPapers list

No. Title Author Bibliography DOI
"Magnon Polarons in the Spin Seebeck effect" T. Kikkawa , K. Shen , B. Flebus , R. A. Duine , K. Uchida , Z. Qiu , G. E. W. Bauer , E. Saitoh Physical Review Letters 117 207203 (2016) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.207203
”Magnon-polaron trasport in magnetic insulators” B. Flebus , K. Shen , T. Kikkawa , K. Uchida , Z. Qiu , E. Saitoh , R. A. Duine , G. E. W. Bauer Physical Review B 95 144420 (2017) 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.144420
“All-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion” Y. Hashimoto , S. Daimon , R. Iguchi , Y. Oikawa , K. Shen , K. Sato , D. Bossini , Y. Tabuchi , T. Satoh , B. Hillebrands , G. E. W. Bauer , T. H. Johansen , A. Kirilyuk , T. Rasing , E. Saitoh Nature Communications 8 15859 (2017) 10.1038/ncomms15859
”The bimodal distribution spin Seebeck effect enhancement in epitaxial Ni0.65Zn0.35Al0.8Fe1.2O4 thin film” H. Wang , D. Hou , T. Kikkawa , R. Ramos , K. Shen , Z. Qiu , Y. Chen , M. Umeda , Y. Shiomi , X. Jin , E. Saitoh APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 112 14 142406 (2018) 10.1063/1.5022195
”All optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave Dispersion” Y. Hashimoto , S. Daimon , R. Iguchi , Y. Oikawa , K. Shen , K. Sato , D. Bossini , Y. Tabuchi , T. Satoh , B. Hillebrands , G. E. W. Bauer , T. H. Johansen , A. Kirilyuk , T. Rasing , E. Saitoh Nature Communications 8 15859_1-15859_6 (2017) 10.1038/ncomms15859